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Start up letter to families



Deep Cove Families,

Our office is open - please see the information below for school start-up information.

We are excited to welcome Grade 1 to 5 students on Tuesday, September 3rd from 8:40-10:00. Students should return to their old lineup. New students, please go to the covered area, between the office and the gym. Thank you to the PAC, who will be set up in front of the school with coffee for parents - a great way to reconnect. Bus 2, 4, and 9 will depart Deep Cove shortly after 10:00. 

Full day instruction for grades 1-5 begins Wednesday. Please ensure your child comes with a water bottle, a healthy snack, and lunch. New kindergarten students, we will see you on Wednesday, September 4th -please see the separate gradual entry information emailed to you.

Moves and Registrations: If there are changes, please call the school by Tuesday August 27.

Student Medical Information: 

Please call the school or email Jodi Beaudry as soon as possible to complete medical alert forms for 2024/2025:

School Supplies:

There is no need for families to purchase supplies. Deep Cove School will continue to offer the opportunity for parents to leave the school supply shopping to teachers.  For $45.00, staff will purchase all the necessary supplies for each student. We will send out payment information early in September. Families will still need to provide indoor runners, clothing suitable for outdoor weather, backpacks and possibly the occasional ‘special’ supply. 

Getting Ready for School:

Leading up to the first day of school after summer break is a big change. Here are a few ideas to help get your child ready:

  • Start to establish and maintain a regular routine (bedtime, mornings, etc.)
  • Let your child know “what’s coming up” - this helps students feel less anxious. 
  • Talk to your child about what they’re looking forward to, or what might be a worry.
  • Come visit our school grounds with friends and family.
  • Read, bake, colour, draw, and spend time outside. 

We are looking forward to seeing you all next week, and will have more information as we get closer to the start of school.


Philip Jungen, principal

Jodi Beaudry, vice-principal