Back to School: WEDNESDAY Sept. 7 drop off and pickup for families
The following message has also been emailed to all Deep Cove Families.
Deep Cove Families,
It was great to see so many smiling students today!
For our Wednesday 8:40 AM dropoff, all students should return to the same classrooms lineups from Tuesday. If you are unsure, please come to the office.
On Wednesday, at the 2:48 dismissal time, grade 1-5 students who do not take the bus will be dismissed to a set outside location. We are asking all families to meet their children at the following locations:
Grades 1, 2 and 3: Top Field - Parents: please wait around the perimeter of the field until you connect with your child.
Grades 4 and 5: Lower Field - Parents: please wait around the perimeter of the field until you connect with your child
See everyone tomorrow.
Philip Jungen, Interim Principal
Jodi Beaudry, Vice-Principal